Toilet With View


Throughout the summer, Summit Foundation is installing a travelling dry toilet. This toilet is equipped with windows that allow users to enjoy the breathtaking panoramas offered by our mountains. Don't worry, a curtain will give you complete privacy!

What is the aim of the "Toilets with a View" operation? To raise awareness among hikers and mountain bikers of the problems posed by human excrement in the natural environment: water pollution, infectious risks for wildlife and disturbance to users.

The little extra: the excrement collected is transformed into biogas, a renewable, CO2-neutral fuel!  

Would you like to discover this exceptional little corner of the world?

The booth is installed throughout the summer according to the schedule below:

And when nature calls and there's a view but no toilet?

Follow two simple rules:

  1. Keep at least 70m away from the watercourse nearest
  2. Leave no trace :
    • Bury the excrement; if there is no soil, cover it with stones.
    • Take the paper away or bury it too (avoid burning it to avoid the risk of fire).
    • Use toilet paper instead of tissues and wet wipes, which decompose very slowly.
    • To clean your hands, use hydro-alcoholic gel instead of fountains or cattle drinking troughs.

Toilets With A View in the media

"Morgins: alpine toilets with a view, to protect the mountain", Interview with Alice Laurain from RDDM on Rhône FM

"Das Geschäft richtig verrichten", Partner-News in the TRANSA Backpacking "4-Seasons" magazine (p. 11)

"9 toilets where you can poo at least once in your life (and one of them is in Leysin), Watson's ranking of the world's most beautiful toilets

"Toilets at the summit with panoramic views, article in 24heures

"Toilets with a view on the trail of the dahu", article in La Région

"WC with a view, short article in 20minutes

A project to
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